Monday, July 28, 2008


28 July 2008
Monday (32 Degree Celsius)
Hot Evening @ 2120 (Singapore Time)
Listen: When you kiss me by Shania Twain
Mood: *I is Happy*

When two people join together and bond their lives forever because they are certain they have something special that will make their marriage last... This is the first act of faith.

Upon this act of faith, these two people will build a life. And as long as their determination stays with them, this life will always be their hope, their dream, their truth, their being, their inspiration, and their source of strength.

Through their life together, they will hurt and laugh.

Together, they will feel all of life's ups and downs.

They will learn and grow through trial and error.

The lessons will show them the meaning of true love and the difference between a love that lasts and one that just gives up.

These two people will face each failure together and discover the strength to go on. They will encourage each other's dreams and forgive each other's faith.

Through a labor of love, these two will become as one - fighting against the odds and ultimately creating a marriage that will grow into an infinite love.

When you kiss me by Shania Twain

This could be it, I think I'm in love
It's love this time

It just seems to fit, I think I'm in love
This love is mine

I can see you with me when I'm older
All my lonely nights are finally over
You took the weight of the world off my shoulders (the world just goes away)

Oh, when you kiss me, I know you miss me
And when you're with me, the world just goes away
The way you hold me, the way you show me that you adore me
Oh, when you kiss me
Oh, yeah
You are the one, I think I'm in love
Life has begun
I can see the two of us together
I know I'm gonna be with you forever
Love couldn't be any better

Sunday, July 20, 2008

是否太晚, 路已走远, 走不回你身边

20 July 2008
Sunday (29 Degree Celsius)
Lonely Morning @ 1020 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 雨天 by 孙燕姿
Mood: *I’m Sad*

I was down with a slight cold, all thanks to the quarantine station. I visited the stupid place with my boss on Wednesday. We had to suit up and walk around in this ridiculously non-porous white overall that restricts any air movement under a 34 degree Celsius brightly lit sun. My dress shirt and pants were soak in sweat, somehow, it occurred to me later that my boss maybe just right when he suggest leaving my work clothes out… But then again…

In and out of air con room, still have the mandatory shower requirement. HOT, COLD, HOT, COLD… Damn, I am lucky to be alive. Anyway, decided to take the Cold/Flu formula drink. As you are vaguely aware, I usually let the cold run its course, lest it drag on ages (the medication effect). But somehow, I needed to be strong and alive for

*Censored for Everyone's sake*

SO how? Enjoy the song

雨天 by 孙燕姿

站在十字路的交点, 该怎么走
除了你给的伞我再也没有, 别的借口

你能体谅我有雨天, 偶尔胆怯你都了解
过去那些大雨落下的瞬间, 我突然发现
谁能体谅我的雨天, 所以情愿回你身边

如此坚决, 你却越来越远
牵手和分手来自同一双手, 做回朋友

是否太晚路已走远, 我的眼眶泪太满

Saturday, July 19, 2008

当爱情走到禁头时, 兩个人会勇敢诚认, 还是选择逃避?

19 July 2008
Saturday Morning (27 Degree Celsius)
Lonely Night @ 0150 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 领悟 by 辛晓琪
Mood: *I’m Sorry*

I always like this song, and a couple of others. But nothing brings one closer to the feeling of lost and spirited like this song.

啊, 多么痛的领悟, 你曾是我的全部

A simple one sentence, it completes the story of my life.

For you, for me, for us.

The Original

The Live Version

领悟 by 辛晓琪

我以为我会哭, 但是我没有
我只是征征望著你的脚步, 给你我最后的祝福
这何尝不是一种领悟, 让我把自己看清楚
虽然那无爱的痛苦, 将日日夜夜在我灵魂最深处

我以为我会报复. 但是我没有
当我看到我深爱过的男人, 竟然像孩子一样无助!
这何尝不是一种领悟, 让你把自己看清楚
被爱是奢侈的幸褔, 可惜你从来不在乎

啊, 一段感情就此结束
啊, 一颗心眼看要荒芜
我们的爱若是错误, 愿你我没有白白受苦
若曾真心真意付出, 就应该满足

啊, 多么痛的领悟, 你曾是我的全部
只是我回首来时路的每一步, 都走得好孤独
啊, 多么痛的领悟, 你曾是我的全部
只愿你挣脱情的枷锁, 爱的束缚
任意追逐, 别再为爱受苦

Saturday, July 12, 2008


12 July 2008
Saturday (30 Degree Celsius)
Lazy Evening @ 2010 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 永远 by 辛晓琪
Mood: *Boo*

Looks like a long past/future week ahead. So what the hell did I do? Well, let’s not dwell on the technicality but more on the big picture… LIKE… Like nothing much…

So how now brown cow? Let’s talk about “There is nothing one cannot do without”. Sunshine shared this with me yesterday. I hate to admit, but there is some truth in it, like on tour for instance. Forgot some stuff? Buy lor… Forget Underwear, buy lor… Yes, stuffs like that. So it might be easier to understand by and rephrase the title into; There is nothing money can’t buy. I rest my case…

Then then… what about Love? Ah, the intangible thing again. The imperfection of life; mathematically speaking. Damn it, Love always spoilt market and make life damn miserable; to every fuckers and bugs alike. Oh well, that’s life. NO, that is NOT Life, life is not like that!!! Ya, right… Tell that to Money.

Speaking of life, I am teaching my colleague how NOT to fuck it up sending simple email. Nabei, send email to his supreme commander (read Bird), like send to underlying like that. I simply cannot stomach his cheebye email! Speaking of Nabei, CY was asking me what Nabei means…

Thought I have post this sometime back, but for the uninitiated, it refers to the Planet Naboo where coincidentally is the birth place of Princess Leia and her mother Padme Amidala (yup, Ah Luke mom). I kid you not… Go and do searches but I digress. Anyway, that’s the origin of Naboo. Nabei on the other hand… is another ball game altogether.

I gave up… I will just wallow in self pity and wrestle in mud with the pig. Both are redundant, really; cos while you are grieving and getting all dirty, the Pig is actually enjoying it. So how? Fuck me…

And the Original

永远 by 辛晓琪

我以为这个样子能回到以前, 从一开始一步一步过到这一天
我以为自己可以剪下这一切, 地转天旋一页一页失踪的时间

一封情书一场痛哭庆幸还有顽固, 原来有过的温度后来走到这一步


走了太远都没力气去后悔, 不该说的每句话忘了睡的每一天

走了太远都没力气去后悔, 不该说的每句话忘了睡的每一天
我们之间只有记忆直到永远, 到不了永远在我们之间
走了太远都没力气去后悔, 不该说的每句话忘了睡的每一天

我们之间因为只差这么一天, 爱情到不了永远 Hey...
到不了永远....到不了永远....到不了永远 Wooh...

Sunday, July 6, 2008


6 July 2008
Sunday (30 Degree Celsius)
LazyAfternoon @ 1310 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 开始懂了 by 孙燕姿
Mood: *Bleh*

I survived yet another bout of flu bug. Come to think of it, it was a long healing/recovery process. I was weak, easily tired and stuffs. I even gave up smoking for the longest time. Slowly but surely, I am getting better. The only silver lining? I shred 3 kg to 63kg during the ordeal.

And I thought I never would ever reach 63 (which coincidentally is my ideal BMI…). But then CY has a point, I will regain this in a matter of weeks (if not already). Oh great… That brings me to the aftermath of losing so much so fast… I actually felt lighter and healthier. Albeit I have not been jogging or exercising for 2 weeks. Damn…Whatever that doesn’t kill me will make me stronger…

Been rotting like nobody business. I think I am going to take up some serious reading and hobbies. Cannot go on rotting, it will erode my mind also. But why, what, where, how and when… That is why also, I prefer to live alone. No distraction, nothing. I do whatever I like, whenever I feel like doing. Gosh, 4th of July. Still remember last year on America Independence Day. I was wishing (and it did) for a heavy rain to dampen those BBQ buggers. Oh well… How time flies… Been a year since my return. So many things have happened, not all for the better. Whatever it is, it happened for a reason and there is no other way it could have happened the way it happened. Oh fuck… I’m getting bored.

What else for the updates? Nothing much, life still goes on. With or without you… But I would very much want you to be in it… But alas, such things are such contrive, just like everything else around here, all for the sake of appearances.

I am besieged by my own mortality.

How? Today got beer, today drunk. Life’s easier that way.

开始懂了 by 孙燕姿

我竟然没有调头, 最残忍那一刻
静静看你走, 一点都不像我

原来人会变得温柔, 是透澈的懂了
爱情是流动的, 不由人的

相信你只是怕伤害我, 不是骗我
很爱过谁会舍得, 把我的梦摇醒了

用心酸微笑去原谅了, 也翻越了
有昨天还是好的, 但明天是自己的
开始懂了, 快乐是选择