Saturday, March 8, 2008


8 March 2008
Saturday (29 Degree Celsius)
Morning @ 1100 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 我怀念的 by孙燕姿
Mood: *Cow & Horsie…Go to Whitecastle*

It would have seemed that lately, I am besieged by ill health. Yup, the reasons are a little vague now but I am guessing it all started with that damming sore throat last Wednesday. And the aftermath of it is/was dragging till now. I was coughing everywhere; at home, sleep time, working, and during par-toking. Yes, damn right! Of all things! The best part? I refused to see a doctor… How Nice…

Work work work; the only good thing? There is not really a sense of pressure in my workplace but I strive to finish up everything assigned to me within days (not Weeks). Haha that will instill some form of urgency among my fellow colleagues. As I was telling my date; I am usually in office by 7 to 7.30, work till 1030 plus, had breakfast/lunch together and work through lunch hour, going home at 5.30 to 6pm. Woah, that would make me like working for a good 11hours, damn hardworking? It is less distractive when you work through lunch and I ate/eat for survival only, why bother about the rest? Besides, I want to go home on time, why work till some unearthly hours? Just for what? Shiok?

And yes, was telling this to someone and she said working 11 hours is nothing. Woah, I guess we have different idea on what constitute hardworking haha. She work because all her bosses are in, while I work hard cos I want to go home by 6pm. Why stay back so late? As if people will appreciate you for overtime. Don’t be a cock lah, no one cares whether you die or decomposing while working your guts out. I personally wouldn’t, as I pointed this out to my lazy bum colleague through email; I am fine with any arrangement, as long as the assigned task is done within the stipulated time. Gave him 3 weeks, with dead line ending next Friday and still no action. I am not going to take this lying down. NEVER EVER contravene my direct request (not Order hor). If you have problem, tell me immediately, not like 3 weeks later. I assured you, he will Die cock standing… Muahahah

Back to that someone, You don’t have to prove anything lah… Just do your job, do it well and fuck off to your personal time. Complain this & that, say no time for anything… One of the other friend lagi worst, so OLD already still directionless and kept complaining job no prospect. She knows nuts about everything never mind, still wants to be Manager, to lead people, have assistants under her. Wau Cow… ask her what KPI is, what direction what this, what that, all don’t know. She is a joke literally. Therein lies my principle, that is why some people are WINNERS and some are not quite there yet.

1 comment:

Parrots of the Currybean said...

is the joke who i think she is?