Monday, March 3, 2008


3 March 2008
Monday (27 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 1930 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 我怀念的 by孙燕姿
Mood: *Cow & Horsie…Left*

First time in life I actually lost my voice. It happened last morning, after a good scare and wondering what happened, now slowly but surely, it is getting back. Though closer to halfway recovery mark, I tried not to talk too loudly and fast. Anyway, took my sick leave and rest at home.

What I did the whole day? Sleep, woke up, feel damn goggy… then sleep somemore. Discover that home has no food, drag lazy ass to shower and had dinner at food center. Wanted to order KFC or Pizza Hut delivery. Their menus damn delicious but logic prevail… With throat badly damaged like now, eat KFC, might as well eat razors… easier for the pocket somemore. So no choice, lan lan…

Oh yes, just send a short message to *Censored*

But well bird, you shouldn’t compare… At least a decade ago, time and tide is in my favor; I can wait and ride this out in style. But now, a decade older, I don’t know… Maybe I will survive, maybe not.

As I was telling CY a while ago, people can do whatever they want with Bird, but those actions better killed him. Cos if he ever survives it, those fuckers gona pay jialat jialat. Muahaha… ok, too much info. Speaking of information, always wanted to post this video. Guppy sang it once (or twice) before in KBox and it took me 4 months later to post it in… Oh well, better late than never… Enjoy…

我怀念的 by 孙燕姿

我问为什麼, 那女孩传简讯给我
而你为什麼, 不解释低著头沉默
我该相信你很爱我, 不愿意敷衍我

想问为什麼, 我不再是你的快乐
可是为什麼, 却苦笑说我都懂了
自尊常常将人拖著, 把爱都走曲折
假装了解是怕, 真相太赤裸裸, 狼狈比失去难受

我怀念的是无话不说, 我怀念的是一起做梦
我怀念的是争吵以後, 还是想要爱你的冲动
我记得那年生日, 也记得那一首歌
记得那片星空, 最紧的右手, 最暖的胸口
(谁记得), 谁忘了

我怀念的是无言感动, 我怀念的是绝对炽热
我怀念的是你很激动, 求我原谅抱得我都痛
我记得你在背後, 我记得我颤抖著
记得感觉汹涌, 最美的烟火, 最长的相拥

谁爱的太自由, 谁过头太远了 
谁要走我的心, 谁忘了那就是承诺
谁自顾自地走, 谁忘了跟著我 
谁让爱变沉重, 谁忘了要给你温柔

(我怀念的), 我还有想要爱你的冲动
我记得那年生日, 也记得那一首歌
记得那片星空, 最紧的右手, 最暖的胸口
我放手, 我让座, 假洒脱, 谁懂我多麼不舍得
太爱了, 所以我, 没有哭, 没有说

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