Sunday, March 23, 2008


23 March 2008
Sunday (28 Degree Celsius)
Afternoon @ 1410 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 梁山伯与茱丽叶 by卓文萱 & 曹格
Mood: *Cow & Horsie looking at sky*

Oh great, you know what I dread about going to work on Monday? Minus the Monday Blues, it has to be the smell. After 3 days of good old break from the horse crap, tomorrow will be another get-used-to-it smell day. Drats, it was particularly bad last Thursday morning. Apparently the night before and the morning itself, there are a lot of lightning and thunder and it seems to have an effect on their crap… Fuck man, all diarrhoea along the roads and it stink like nobody business. Lan lan…

Last evening was one of those classic days. It started quite well in the morning, met up with Nyo & Elvan for breakfast, karaoke session and later lunch. Then ZL sms came and we decided to meet up for makan at 5pm later. Since I have nothing but time to burn before the makan, we went roaming around, to Great world city and Novena. Then Shit happened. The Novena place we were at is nowhere near to shopping center or MRT station. And guess what, it was raining Cats & Dogs. I was drench pants down and fucking miserable. Called a cab and it cost me S$11 bucks just to get to Cityhall… Cheebye, should have just stay over at Great world…

As usual, she is a lady of few words; like Wow… Oh yes, saw this movie, Horton. It is the least to say, a wonderful show. One of the few I actually enjoyed watching.

A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a day; 30,000 to a man's 15,000. The wife replied, "The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything to men...

The husband then turned to his wife and asked, "What?"

梁山伯与茱丽叶 by 卓文萱 & 曹格

曹: 我的心想唱首歌給妳聽, 歌詞是如此的甜蜜, 可是我害羞, 我沒有勇氣, 等妳說一句我愛你

卓: 為什麼你還是不言不語, 難道你不懂我的心, 不管你用什麼方式表明, 我會對你說我願意

曹: 千言萬語裏, 只有一句話能表白我的心
卓: 千言萬語裏, 只要一句話就
合: 能夠讓我們相偎相依

曹: 我愛妳, 妳是我的茱麗葉(卓:茱麗葉) , 我願意變成妳的梁山伯
合: 幸福的每一天, 浪漫的每一夜
卓: 把愛不放開
曹: 因為 I Love you
卓: 我愛你, 你是我的羅密歐(曹:羅密歐) , 我願意變成你的祝英台
合: 幸福的每一天, 浪漫的每一夜, 美麗的愛情祝福著, 未來

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