Monday, March 24, 2008


24 March 2008
Monday (26 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 2200 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 很想说 by 李圣杰
Mood: *Cow & Horsie*

Surprisingly, it didn’t really stink that bad today. I mean the air was pretty ok, considering it was still lingering around, refusing to dissipate before the morning sun. Oh well. Had a slow start to the week but by lunch time (still skipping it for work), I was at full throttle. Well, then shit happened. HOD refused to sign blank cheque for annual asset verification exercise. Haha, actually it was my superior who fucked it up, clearly. So lan lan, I have to be the bad bird and screw up my co workers for being fucked up… sort of… I can’t be fucking my boss right?

Oh, I was at SPOP concert last night, thanks to Mr Tan for his last minute ticket. It was ok lah, no wait, ok is an understatement; it was boring. And guess what come after boring? I spent S$40 bucks on cab fare. Yup, it was my fault really… Guess I was too lazy to take the metro. Anyway, S$40 bucks is a lot of money man… Plus the concert was not exactly exciting and lagi worst, no pretty girl around sight; I left at 9.30pm. But it was a nice gesture for the free tickets. The only saving grace? I saw Wendy on my BIG BIG LCD TV when I reach home. Gosh, was she beautiful… Hee

Well, hope she is doing fine…

Moving on, met my pretty chemical analyst at the MRT station today. Well, we exchanged pleasantries and small talk a bit. While I was mesmerized by her lovely dimpled smile, she has to so un-glam-ly run to squeeze herself into the train’s closing doors. Lucky the door closed before she can reach it. Imagine the humiliation if she ever got trap between the doors and all eyes will be on me to save her (by proximity virtue). Hmm, that brings another set of dilemma; should I? well… Errm, she is cute (despite being like my age), she’s sweet and best part? She’s got dimpled smile… Err, my point is? Alrighty, I will save her… and it is all because she is my friend! And Nothing else ok… right…

Speaking of beautiful, I just killed a house fly in my office. Yup, those pesky little bugger, keep flying around. I told all the aunties NOT to eat in office liao. See lah, attract all sort of bugs into the office. I have to waste a club magazine for the kill but it’s worth every page of it. Seeing the fly kena squash before my eyes… Muahaha

Since we are at it, I saw the last look of a dying horse during my smoke today. The vet assistant was nudging one injured horse into the mortuary. Somehow, it knew of its impending doom and adamantly refused to move into the mortuary. Somehow also, it relented after being prodded further. I found myself saying a little prayer for the poor chap. Yup, as hard hearted and secular as I am, I am also human. It does get kind of depressing and sad seeing a grand old chap being put down. Basically I was telling him (yup, it’s a him, pretty much obvious the way his genital is hanging…) that it is for his own good. No more suffering, no more kena whacked by jockey and say cheebye to all the yucky man-made food ever. He can have all the females he can ever sire and go grazing all day long… well, it’s a lie of course, but we will never know better, would we?

Ah such depressing entry, well, to jump start a better tomorrow…

A man walking down the street noticed a small boy trying to reach the doorbell of a house. Even when he jumped up, he couldn't quite reach it. The man decided to help the boy, walked up on to the porch and pushed the doorbell.
He looked down at the boy, smiled and asked, "What now?"

The boy answered, "Now we run like crazy!"

For whatever that happened, it is for a reason. Nothing too fanciful, nothing too stressful. And one thing for sure, it is always for the better. If that is so, then why am I losing faith as the day goes? Why does my heart sunken as the clock ticked by? If only I knew… Where are you my beloved…

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