Friday, December 14, 2007

傻傻两个人笑的多甜, 可是我们最终没有缘

14 December 2007
Clear Friday (25 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 0330 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 阴天by 李宗盛
Mood: *Over the Hills*

It is 3.30am now. How time flies, what did I do today?

Had a great lunch with Blue Bunny, talk some stuffs and as usual, Mr Bunny has all the right analogy and reasoning for everything under the sun. That is why he is Bunny while I am Bird. Oh yes, that’s his sort of real nick by the way… Why Blue Bunny you might ask? This you need to ask his wife who for obvious reason is called Pink Bunny. Tell me again why am I not surprise…

Anyway, rush to Takashimaya to get Lala some birthday vouchers, went home after lunch, did laundry, had another cup of nice warm sweeten milk tea and shower. Get to Shenton Way to pick up Chris and off to Central for dinner with the birthday girl.

It was a nice dinner… especially the waitress who was particularly nice (pretty is an added bonus). But then, she tried to accent accent a bit. Haha, it’s a nice try and sure was pretty sexy if you ask me. Had a great dinner with lala and Chris. Talk cock, sing songs, pity no guitar to play.

My mood seems to be getting better? Nah, its just that I deserve an Oscar for my award winning acts. No matter, life still goes on with or without you. Maybe it’s me, but every time your sms is punctuated with a smiley, it just melts me down. It could be your style or/and perhaps you do that to every sms but for that, I think I shall overlook. It is just not me to use smiley on friends I drats/fancy/ok-only. That is why I said, it melts me but that is just Bird.

I missed you already…

Do you feel the same? I supposed not… Still I chose to miss you every single minute of my waking day.

阴天 by 李宗盛

阴天在不开灯的房间, 当所有思绪都一点一点沉淀
爱情究竟是精神鸦片, 还是世纪末的无聊消遣
香烟氲成一滩光圈, 和他的照片就摆在手边

开始总是分分钟都妙不可言, 谁都以为热情它永不会减
也许像谁说过的贪得无厌, 活该应了谁说过的不知检点

阴天在不开灯的房间, 当所有思绪都一点一点沉淀
爱恨情欲里的疑点, 盲点呼之欲出那么明显
女孩通通让到一边, 这歌里的细微末节就算都体验

回想那一天喧闹的喜宴, 耳边响起的究竟是序曲或完结篇

最好爱恨扯平两不相欠, 感情说穿了一人挣脱的一人去捡
男人大可不必百口莫辩, 女人实在无须楚楚可怜

1 comment:

Parrots of the Currybean said...

Hate to dispel your fantasy but, nowadays, you just need to press the punctuation marks key twice to key in a smiley. Hardly any effort in that ...