1 January 2008
Windy Tuesday (27 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 2200 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 灰姑娘 by 张惠妹
Mood: * Where is my 灰姑娘?*
I messaged 2 friends at the stroke of midnight. It was in the spur of the moment thingy and beside; I wanted so much to wish her a Wonderful New Year. It is a self preservation thing, not that it mean anything other than my wonderful “Procrastination theory”. And they messaged back (one replied after like 6 hours… I blame the telco). Their messages were pleasant and courteous, but it did not bring comfort or clarity to my mind and heart. I tried but alas, it all amount to nothing. I supposed it was all never meant to be…
又被伤了一遍 , 无所谓当作成长吧
For my sake, I should stop listening to those si bei凄凉, sing until constipation type of songs. But I like those songs; I could so much identify with them. It is like…like my feelings all pour out in guts and oh the pain, the heartaches… The reckoning oh yes, those painful moments!
I wish to see you again, I really do…
My sincerest apologies for having spear head the first entry of the year in such low spirits, I promise, I will be nicer in future
灰姑娘 by 张惠妹
听见别人提起你的名字, 我就会脸红
一张有你合照的照片, 看来看去都不厌倦
Windy Tuesday (27 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 2200 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 灰姑娘 by 张惠妹
Mood: * Where is my 灰姑娘?*
I messaged 2 friends at the stroke of midnight. It was in the spur of the moment thingy and beside; I wanted so much to wish her a Wonderful New Year. It is a self preservation thing, not that it mean anything other than my wonderful “Procrastination theory”. And they messaged back (one replied after like 6 hours… I blame the telco). Their messages were pleasant and courteous, but it did not bring comfort or clarity to my mind and heart. I tried but alas, it all amount to nothing. I supposed it was all never meant to be…
又被伤了一遍 , 无所谓当作成长吧
For my sake, I should stop listening to those si bei凄凉, sing until constipation type of songs. But I like those songs; I could so much identify with them. It is like…like my feelings all pour out in guts and oh the pain, the heartaches… The reckoning oh yes, those painful moments!
I wish to see you again, I really do…
My sincerest apologies for having spear head the first entry of the year in such low spirits, I promise, I will be nicer in future
灰姑娘 by 张惠妹
听见别人提起你的名字, 我就会脸红
一张有你合照的照片, 看来看去都不厌倦
坐在寂寞了很久的窗前, 不停地想念
从没有对谁的支字片语, 可以读了好几百遍
像童话中的世界 , 如今出现在真实人生的眼前
再苦闷的时刻, 也有彩虹
像传说中的爱情, 如今出现在真实人生的眼前
当你拥抱着我, 轻轻地对我说
我就像Cinderella, 等到了寻找我的他
爱情的的过程 , 总会有泪有挣扎
有你的温柔, 我就什么都的不怕
我就像Cinderella, 等到了寻找我的他
Where are you, my beloved 灰姑娘?
于是我们照亮了沉默, 习惯了孤单, 才发现爱原来是寂寞™
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