Tuesday, September 18, 2007


11 September 2007
Bright Tuesday (32 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 2330 (Singapore)
Listen: 受罪 by 张信哲
Mood: *Where Are You?*

Backdated Post… Written long time ago, but still hold sense haha

Now I know why I refuse to go out on Friday and Saturday. Went for lunch with Chivy & Edna and the whole fucking place seems to be flooded with nothing but dating couples. On that note, yes, I am empty and lonely, was 3 years ago and still am 3 years later. At least back in US I can idle the whole day in my house and not be bothered with the world at large. I live my life the way I do and like, no one to judge me. Remind me again why I hated weekends…

Oh yes, I was so put off by humans today that I refuse to move my ass and grab my dinner outside. Sooner or later, I will most probably swear off any human contact and die alone in my apartment, knowing fully that the world would still be a cheebye-ish place with or without me. That is like a universal truth; the world still moves on with or without you. Not exactly a sad state if you see its point, all for the sake of self preservation. I know, because I am part of it.

I am here for a week already. I do miss US, life though is not that bad here, all I need is some adjustment. Like I said earlier, it should be easier this time; my friends and love ones are around me for that much needed support. Went for a few lunches and dinners, caught one of the local movies (881, not a bad show actually), met up with a few friends and then some drinks sessions with Han.

These couple of years in US has somehow radicalized me to a certain extremity. Give me a good discussion on politics, particularly social aspect of life anytime. So much so that I feel a little tired trying to get the small talk going with new friends on everything common and yet not that familiar to us. There are regular topics between new friends of course; the only problem is mine was pegged 3 years ago and life does change fast around here. Not at all a bad thing, at least I have my buddies and friends to tie me through these periods of acclimatisation.

For whatever reasons, for better or for worst, as I was telling Han, I have to lan lan and accustomed to life back here. No point missing elsewhere when I am 99% certain I will be here for a long time (relatively speaking).

Oh well, Welcome Home, bird, hope you will enjoy it as much humanely as where ever possible.

受罪 by 张信哲

陌生的城市被恶梦惊醒的黑夜, 拉开窗帘看著无人的街

我发现我在安静无声地掉泪, 这才明白被伤得有多重

就让我爱里头受罪疯狂的疲惫, 不相信你会走得那么绝
你让我爱里头受罪却没有怨言, 连折磨自己都无法避免

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