3 April 2010
Rainy Saturday (29 Degree Celsius)
Late Night @ 2150 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 永远永远 by 李翊君
Mood: *Tired”
Might as well… I simply refused to sleep early last night. Come on, it’s the long holidays, and despite having to work on Friday, it is still a long weekend! So I did what I had to do and only drag my simply-cannot-take-it-anymore body to bed at 1am. Damn, 1am it’s like the new 9pm for 95% of the population…. That is why also most look like zombie daily. Yup I go to bed daily from 11 to 6 so that I feel like a fucking winner every day. It’s really your call… to be a winner or a wuss. The choice is clear.
Friday after work, each home all tired. Work aside, I might have trained a little too much on Wednesday. My leg cramped in the middle of Thursday morning and arms sore till Friday night. But it is good shit. I kind of enjoyed these pains, been a while since I felt anything so alive… No wonder people around me called me weird little bird… including my wife
Today early morning brought Mom for her medical appointment which stretched till noon and I had to rush off for our first house viewing after that. Well, at least can get to see a couple of houses before making that important plunge. But the price and that CB cash over valuation, oh my god, how on earth can anyone even afford an apartment now without slogging within an inch of their life… Well it used to be like that, presently, even if you slogged till your last breath, don’t even know whether can survive the rat race and keeping all the joneses happy or not.
Still, like the government used to say, its all your fault. Oh really? Yes, Who ask you to believe in them; believing in their promises to provide a roof over your fucking head and bring home the bacon or bread (for those fucking minority bastard)… You be lucky if they don’t tax you for having sex.
I am so disappointed with the government. We serve with sweat and blood, our prime years wasted in national defence and now, I cannot even afford the basic necessity in life. Oh well, like they say, I aim too high lah, why aim so high and think like a winner? Why don’t I just settle for ghetto or slums… that way, I can still have my rotten bread and moldy bacon and eat it. In short, it’s our fucking fault.
Enough said, I shall be nice for the remaining of the days and be thankful for everything.
Claire Claire, my beloved Claire Claire… Honey Honey, My beloved Honey…
My love and my life, Daddy misses you so muchie… Eat well, sleep better and we’ll be waiting for your arrival in 4 weeks time. Till then, we love you.
永远永远 by 李翊君
一直以为自己可以很坚强, 原来和你一样害怕着孤单
没有你的夜晚, 星星和我一样彷徨, 挂在天上, 忽明又忽暗
不知不觉窗外的天已变亮, 原来醒的时间越来越长
没有你的异乡, 只有冷风陪我流浪, 我怕我的思念, 游不过这片海洋
别对我说永远, 永远, 永远, 永远是太昂贵的誓言
我握不住也看不见, 最后随着浪涛消失不见
别对我说永远, 永远, 永远, 永远不是我要的明天
你爱过我就已足够, 就算到了最后爱已搁浅, 只求你留我在你心田
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