Monday, December 8, 2008


8 December 2008
Monday (24 Degree Celsius)
Rainy Morning @ 0900 (Singapore Time)
Listen: Blower’s Daughter by Tanya Chua
Mood: *AWW, Look at SKY*

At the rate I am going, my mind is going to be wasted… Such a waste of a perfectly well-endowed brain. Seriously… Nothing much to update (as you can attest to lately) and nothing of equivalent happening in our world. Some hisses and snarls, hug and kisses, here and there kind of stuff. Beside those, we are pretty good and our relationship grows by the day (and nights).

We have planned for the future; saving plans, health insurances, kids upbringing. Our house design is also taking shape, albeit with some changes to our idea of an ideal home. But it is ok, because like what I have been telling my colleagues during my monthly motivational talks; I’m in it for the longest haul. Funnily, it met with some funny reaction; Jaw dropping and champagne order cancellation. I wonder why…

On that note, I also wonder why recently, a couple of lady acquaintances’ hands I have shaken had this funny scratch to it. I mean, I extended my hand, held it firm and warmly and they reciprocate with a little (can I say, naughty) scratch on my palm with a coyly smile. I wonder why…

Alrighty, that is Oh-NOT-so funny. But my little snoopy is nice, she forgives me for my little stupidity at times… Oh, on the topic of our plan, she suggested we opt for the give and take theory; she gives nothing and takes everything from me. Yup, as usual, she outguesses, outsmart and outmaneuver me. But me not complaining, because… she’s my little snoopy… Awww… And yes, we have given the other some sweety lovey nicks; Snoopy and Woodstock (no prize for guessing who is which…).

Moving along, I was nominated again for some overseas course and with any luck; my month of February will be really filled. To the brim. Hmmm, interesting work I have. Nah, I’m kidding you (the work, not the course) but of course.

Did our Christmas shopping on Saturday, but it does looks like it is my Christmas shopping. Of the 10 odd things we bought, 99.99% of it belongs to me. Oh yes, I love to shop. Once or twice yearly (or thrice, forth etc etc) OR whenever I feel like it. But hor, nowadays expenditure must be prudent. Did you hear, see or feel me buying anything extravagant lately? Ah, the sign of wanting to settle down permanently (or for the longest haul) with Snoopy. It will be tough; the saving, living together, trying not to strangle me during my sleep (no matter how tempting it look) etc etc but my dear snoopy is committed for the long haul too. Heee

Have a Merrily little Christmas (in case I no update till the longest time)… Busy lah

你就像个小孩 by 阿杜

夜深了, 深到只听见心跳
你睡了, 睡到泪水都干了
我要往哪里逃, 黑夜沉沉笼罩
慌慌张张的脚步, 红红的脸在发烧 

心乱了, 不知该如何是好
爱醉了, 原来我们需要拥抱 
你却一再缠绕, 缠着那些煩恼
单纯的说好不好, 我们爱到老 

你就像个小孩, 一心要爱却不懂其中的无奈
迷路在人海, 却找不回来 天真不变的洁白 
我也像个小孩, 痴痴的爱都不怕有怎样的伤害 
我痛你的痛, 我苦你的苦尽管很难熬, 太阳就快出来了 

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