Friday, May 30, 2008


30 May 2008
Friday (27 Degree Celsius)
Rainy early Morning @ 0030 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 诱惑的街by梁静茹
Mood: *Peaceful Wind still*

I finally learn to say NO to her.

She text this evening, wanting to chill out, any place. I thought that was odd, since she never ever wants to do anything vaguely alongside with me. After kpo-ing, she said she was sad and needed a drink. Normally, Bird will seize such opportunity and try to be the hero. But alas, Bird has gone pass that stage long ago. Sorry Honey… I ain’t going to belittle myself for you, always at your beck and calls, always that spare tyre in the boot. This time, you have to wallow in self pity alone…Life’s tough, too bad for you… but really…

Finally finished my 3 days Internal Audit course. Tiring but at least Lynn was there. She was the cold cold queen, as usual haha. Went for karaoke session with Elvan and some friends. An ex-colleague was there too, thought she was rather cute. Gave her a lift home and chat up a bit. She’s damn cute, can? So that basically summed up my day

The prospect of spending my life eternity alone does not sound that bad a thing after all.

有了我你应该什么都不缺, 心再野也知道该拒绝, 有什么心结难解竟然让你离不开这一切…




DId I mention she's really cute? ah yes ...

诱惑的街 by 梁静茹

这样深的夜下过雨的街, 连星光就要熄灭你赴的是什么样的约
原无意说这些, 只是对你还有感觉, 以为一切残缺, 都能用爱解决

可是我除了爱你, 没有别的凭借, 话由真心, 才说的如此直接

有了我你是否什么都不缺, 心再野也知道该拒绝
有什么心结难解, 竟让你离不开这一切

只是你生在诱惑的街, 只是你生在沉伦的午夜
血里的狂野对真实与幻觉, 已无分别
所以你也无从察觉, 情由何时冷却
你从来不了解, 心痛有多么强烈
不知若要我为爱妥协, 我宁愿它幻灭

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


27 May 2008
Tuesday (28 Degree Celsius)
Rainy Tuesday @ 2030 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 爱错了by张克帆
Mood: *Peaceful Wind*

Today start of a 3 day long course on some ISO audit thingy. It was ok, a little bored but still bearable. The only eye candy was Lynn. Though she is not Y (as in SYT) but she is cute. Always the cold queen look, haha, I like.

Thought of painting the town red on Friday… The only problem now is finding the right kakis for this effort. I always enjoy partying with LK and Han. They are the best, beside the fact that they are my best friends… They are simply awesome. Haha, I’m serious… At our age, people are either busy with procreation or onto parenting proper whereas us are still letting loose. Dang…

Speaking of loose, I gave up on my clerks. Tell them to do anything always this cannot, that cannot. Prep talk, motivation, more prep talk, more talk cock sing song session, all buang. Haiz, Give up man. It is ok, I don’t blame them, slowly but surely, they are going to learn to do it my way. Yup, it is my way or the highway baby…

Since we are on the baby topic, that is why also the town will be in red… Haha, ok, fine, I will be nice…

Oh Yelin has given birth to a cute baby boy and now in confinement period. Aww, hope to see her soon. Gosh, it has been like 2 ½ years since she, lele and me took a proper picture haha…

As you can also see… my blog (risk dying a youthful death) is getting from dreary to suicidal boring. The only reason I can think is… lack of inspiration. Remember, I am at my most eloquent and涛涛江水远远不绝 stage only when I am in despair, pain and out of love. So there you go… I am at peace with myself now. Maybe, just maybe I might find some funny bone or issues dear to me to blog on. Till then, have fun and make do with my boring-er post as day goes by.

爱错了by 张克帆





Sunday, May 25, 2008


25 May 2008
Sunday (30 Degree Celsius)
Lazy Afternoon @ 1430 (Singapore Time)
Listen: Superwoman by 曹格
Mood: *Sky & Wind*

You are my superwoman… Always will be

Clarity Version

Karaoke Version

Superwoman by 曹格

Early in the morning, I put breakfast at your table

想要找回每天早晨, 对我微笑著的你
总是望著我, 小心翼翼顺著我呼吸
而我竟然理所当然, 让你精疲力尽

You are my superwoman
安静的在身边, 无条件给我, 梦寐以求的温柔
But I am only human
我怎麼不懂你多寂寞 残忍的犯了错
不能失去你 Ooh, Babe…

You fought your way through the rush hour, try to make it home just for me
月光下静静靠著彼此, 只求夜长一点
有多久没有好好看你, 只是认定了我
无论在什麼时候回头, 都有你的笑容

是我忽略了你也会有, 想要哭的感觉
换我忍耐换我等待, 不要真的弃权

You are my superwoman
安静的在身边, 无条件给我, 梦寐以求的温柔
But I am only human
我怎麼不懂你多寂寞 残忍的犯了错
不能失去你 Ooh, Babe..
不能想像更不能原谅这样让爱化成, 灰烬

If you feel it in your heart and you understand me.
STOP right where you are, everybody sing along with me.
You are my superwoman

Friday, May 23, 2008


23 May 2008
Friday (33 Degree Celsius)
Morning @ 0830 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 记得 By 张惠妹
Mood: *Sky & Wind*

Nothing much to update; life, as the saying goes, it is still ok… To the point of blatantly melancholy…

Ok, too drama…Lets’ talk about the weather then… It is … hot…Not as hot as I am though…

Moving on, my work is pretty ok I supposed, some heart stress here and there, but still bearable. Pretty lobo these days too, had long lunches, long teabreaks, skive around, drive here and there, and meet up with people for nothing. Whenever I am free like now, my colleagues sure will hate me guts, because… I will come up with new KPI (key performance indices) and review their job scope.

Last month review nearly singlehandedly caused mass hysteria to my department. They rebelled and picket fenced like nobody business but still, with disgustingly sweet Charms, scandalously naughty wits and a wholesome dose of diplomatic maneuvering, I managed to outwit, outlast and outmaneuver them into submission… Sort of…

Damn, Monday another review meeting. I don’t particularly hate all 7 of them, only say, 1 or the most 2 buggers deserve whacking. The rest are pretty nice, just wish they got more initiative (aka Automatic) a bit. But hey, I can’t have the best of all worlds, so how? Life still goes on…

Oh yes, yesterday drove to SGH for some medical stuffs. In all, it took me 2½ hours and guess what? I fucking enjoyed every minute of it. Don’t know why everyone thinks it’s a great sacrifice on my part. I mean, it is 2 solid hours of tuan-ing and lobo period man…. Its even better than strike toto… Figuratively speaking. Oh well, what they don’t know (my enjoyment) doesn’t kill (their awestruck).

Was telling CY my lack of updates of late… Because everything is going ok what, where got the inspiration to write those damn sad until can lao bak sai kind of entries? Oh well, I shall leave you with a song. Till we meet again, again and again, have fun boys & girls.

记得 By 张惠妹

谁还记得, 是谁先说永远的爱我
以前的一句话, 是我们以后的伤口
过了太久, 没人记得当初那些温柔
我和你手牵手, 说要一起走到最后

我们都忘了, 这条路走了多久
心中是清楚的, 有一天有一天都会停的
让时间说真话, 虽然我也害怕
在天黑了以后, 我们都不知道会不会有以后

我们都累了, 却没办法往回走
两颗心都迷惑, 怎么说怎么说都没有救
亲爱的为什么, 也许你也不懂
两个相爱的人, 等对方先说找分开的理由

我和你的眼中, 看见了不同的天空
走的太远, 终于走到分岔路的路口
是不是你和我, 要有两个相反的梦

我和你手牵手, 说要一起走到最后

Sunday, May 18, 2008


18 May 2008
Sunday (33 Degree Celsius)
Morning @ 1100 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 跟你借的幸福 by蔡健雅
Mood: *Blue blue sky*

Let’s do this the chronological way… Starting with Wednesday, for obvious reasons…

Wednesday: Wake up, Shower, Work, Come home and sleep

Thursday: Wake up, Shower, Work, Meet Kian Kian, she did her Lasik, Went to St James, meet working colleagues and return home and sleep

Friday: Wake up, Blah Blah Blah, took half day, met Kwek, shopping around Orchard, end with a late night movie with the Kweks’ at Sun Plaza. And yes, the fucking cab fare cost me 24 bucks.

Saturday: Wake up, do laundry, drink tea, rot, had lunch, rot, drink tea, rot, smoke, Pick Brother, come home, sleep

Well well well… Ain’t my week fucking fun…

You have to understand, if is not my problem, then don’t bother to tell me. Really, what can I do? Particularly I am one of those people whom are adverse (terribly) to anything except my problem. Bravo! So how? Run along now, be nice. Oh in between those waiting time for Mrs Kwek, I kind of included some obscenities into my Sunshine song… here it goes…

You are my fucking sunshine
My only fucking sunshine
You made me fucking happy
When times are fucking bad
You never fucking know
How much I fucking love you
So don’t fucking take my fucking sunshine away

Just so you know, and I’m not kidding you… Seriously, what did I do…

跟你借的幸福 by 蔡健雅

公园的椅子零乱的影子, 还给你你家的钥匙
不想听解释爱怎能解释, 你我就到此为止

时间的杯子满满的心事, 爱一点一滴的流失
就算我固执就算你坚持, 这份爱也难挽回颓势

昨天跟你借的幸福, 抱歉我有不能还你的苦
看着爱在手心留的纹路, 依旧是清清楚楚

昨天跟你借的幸福, 是今天以后的回顾
说忘记只是掩人耳目, 我在人潮中渐渐失速
哗笑的夜色, 我们的故事关上了门

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


13 May 2008
Tuesday (30 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 2010 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 忐忑 by 辛晓琪
Mood: *Wintersweet, Me like*

Sure I have my fair share of hits and misses (statistically skew to the later) and oh boy, Did I miss by more than a mile. Sure they are (mostly) nice girls and some not so very nice, but they are cute… that’s all that matters. While walking home and by passing this coffee shop, I had a sudden revelation (ya, these days a lot of sighting).

I was looking at the coffee shop beer drinkers and by a large margin, most are the blue collar type, which is fine and very stereotypical but why are they with significantly prettier counterparts (discounting the taste, dressing and the fact that they are together). I am not a sour grape lah, I mean…after living a couple of decades on planet earth, I can safely eliminate some of the variables that enables me to be alone … like for instance

1. I am not fugly. Seriously, which part of me says I am fugly?
2. I am relatively fit. Enough said
3. I am comfortably earning a relatively decent salary and a modestly prospect-filled job.
4. I am intellectually-enabled kind of guy (as opposed to being challenged)

So why I am desperately lonely (to quote)…?

That brings us to point number two

Tacking onto my current status, by whatever virtue, I should never been alone… Which means the whole shebang doesn’t quite qualify my loneliness assessment… The best part is, I am not fugly. Yes, What the fuck right! Not as if I am poor, low education, poor job prospect or fucking ugly… but really…

I could technically do a self praising blog, with every “TOM has a DICK but not all dicks are HARRY (hairy)” kind of stuffs, all in the name of self glorification. But hey, you know what self admiration would lead to… cos self praising is like masturbation. You feel good initially but in the end, you are just fucking yourself. Damn it…

The only lining in the sky? Yun asked for my buggy.

As I am out of my private one, You should have seen the number of calls I made, how many favors I call in, just so she can ride in comfort… And in the end, all I get is a lousy coffee, which I so happen to abso-fucking-lutely don’t drink like ever… Sometime it just goes to cheapen my already cheapened Life. Oh well, Fuck it… Today got beer, today drunk. But really… How the fuck can these sorts of things ever happened… B.E.A.Utiful

忐忑 by 辛晓琪

我已经忘记, 爱情的滋味
我已经忘记, 青春如此的昂贵
以为心思已如止水, 以为孤单早已无谓

我试着拒绝, 你给的世界
我试着拒绝 ,会有开始的情节
然而心却和我相背, 爱有它自己的感觉
再一次 走回了爱情 ,是怎样的危险

我忐忑的心 ,我忐忑的心 ,起落得不能停
忽而忧, 忽而喜, 对于爱情原来我不曾免疫
我忐忑的心, 我忐忑的心, 辗转的不能眠
忽而醉, 忽而醒, 这样的陌生的自己, 是我熟悉的曾经

Sunday, May 11, 2008


11 May 2008
Sunday (29 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 2010 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 听海By 张惠妹
Mood: *Can you learn to love me? Please*

I’m a little perplexed, maybe with a hint of “Oh this is Just fucking Great”… You see, after a whole week of sms flirting and I am supposed to be meeting her at 3am (after she knocks off) at work and what did I get? She was drunk…Let’s for a moment put the Drunkness aside; and focus on things like we haven’t got any common topic. Which is way beside the point but hey, we are like living on 2 different worlds. She is nice but somehow, there is something about her that I can’t find an easier word for it… Maybe it is social gap… maybe it is something else but it doesn’t matter… I can live without such burden.

Why troubled the already troubled heart?

Another smoking session (on my part). I drove 20km down south to Labrador park and all I get is a lousy T-shirt… haha… cannot always go Jurong hill… Must change location sometime…

Just so we are on a lighter mood to welcome another week of work…

A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. Suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, "Because you are faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish."

The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over anytime I want."

The Lord said, "Your request is very materialistic. Think of the enormous challenges for that kind of work. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that would honor and glorify me."

The man thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, "Lord, I wish that I could understand my wife. I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says ‘nothing's wrong,’ and how I can make her truly happy."

The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"

Simply adore this song…

听海 By 曹格

听海 By 张惠妹

写信告诉我今天海是什么颜色, 夜夜陪着你的海心情又如何
灰色是不想说蓝色是忧郁, 而漂泊的你狂浪的心停在哪里

写信告诉我今夜你想要梦什么, 梦里外的我是否都让你无从选择
我揪着一颗心整夜都闭不了眼睛, 为何你明明动了情却又不靠近

听海哭的声音, 叹息着谁又被伤了心却还不清醒
一定不是我至少我很冷静, 可是泪水就连泪水也都不相信

你听海哭的声音, 这片海未免也太多情悲泣到天明
写封信给我就当最后约定, 说你在离开我的时候是怎样的心情

Friday, May 9, 2008


9 May 2008
Friday (32 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 2010 (Singapore Time)
Listen: Various Song by 鴨子 (徐宛鈴)
Mood: *I’m so fucking happy… Now get lost*

Somebody fucked it up and I have to carry the burden. Being a good bird, I do what I do best; solving problems, running around like monkeys and calling in favors. I could claim personal credit for it, but no thanks. Still I cannot resist sending out another email to my clerks; telling them better buck up, my patience has its limit too. If they feel otherwise, the exit door is always open. I cannot be solving screw up every other day… right? But it was an idle day and I fricking loved my day.

Oh, I realized that I need to attend one gala dinner next Friday, and guess what, my suit barely fits me… I could technically go for the other two but no, prefer this one, for sentimental reasons… And guess what again, I need to dry cleaned it somemore. It is like 8 months ago when I last wore it… damn. Come and think of it, my long sleeves shirts are also falling apart, after been in the cupboard for a good 8 months too. Damn it, for these past months, I have neither wore my long sleeves shirts nor suits. Argh, then again, give me short sleeves and pants any day. But it is such a waste… really

Was also looking at lovebyte’s personnel site where anyone can post their picture and say whatever they want; usually limited to what hobbies and who can date them (ya, those sort of things). After scanning through the entire database, I have derived 2 outside standing conclusions;

Someone really need to pass them a mirror and a reality check; Men must be this, must have that, if not, no honey. Given, if they are sweet, young and pretty, male of my species might try humoring you a bit but not when you are like 35 going on to 45 … Oh Come on! Still living in fantasy land never mind, trying to bring fantasy to real life, now that’s disturbing…

Next… if those are my only choices left… I’m fucked…

Ok lah, not everyone lived in fantasy, some are pretty nice too. At least that’s what the claim to be…Oh well… either way, I’m fucked. How could that be?

Just before I go, I thought I heard this at some sermon at CHC long time back. At that time, the pastor say unlike damn solid like that, “Get Behind me Satan!” Wow, for that moment, I thought he look damn steady until I saw this joke… Sometime, keeping mouth shut is a much better choice…

Struggling to make ends meet on a first-call salary, the pastor was livid when he confronted his wife with the receipt for a $250 dress she had bought."How could you do this?!"

"I was outside the store looking at the dress in the window, and then I found myself trying it on," she explained. "It was like Satan was whispering in my ear, 'You look fabulous in that dress. Buy it!'"

"Well," the pastor replied, "You know how I deal with that kind of temptation. I say, 'Get behind me, Satan!'""I did," replied his wife, "but then he said,

'It looks fabulous from back here, too!'"

Oh yes, 徐宛鈴, Me love you so, haha. She damn cute and pretty… Wooah, I like!

可惜不是妳 by 鴨子 (徐宛鈴)

你的甜蜜 by 鴨子 (徐宛鈴)

遇上愛 by 鴨子 (徐宛鈴)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


6 May 2008
Tuesday (29 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 2150 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 知道By 张惠妹
Mood: *I’m so fucking Glad*

At times I wonder, the entire fricking system at work is in place already, it is not like the department just set up yesterday, why the fuck I am still running around like monkey? Tiger don’t roar you think he sick cat is it? Damn it, I should have kicked the butt when I had the chance… Wait a min… But I am the CHIEF!! Never mind, I will remember this during annual appraisal. But then they will cry… and complain I bad Bird, Keep pushing them to their extreme… Argh… Why ME!! WHY ME!!

Anyway, as usual, it is up to Bird to solve all cheebye problem. Lucky I still managed to pull this one off and in the process, made Bird seems like superman. BUT I AM SUPERMAN !! AND THE FRICKING DEPARTMENT NEEDS ME!!! Self praising feels so damn good man…

Just so you know… I do not have the slightest interest to share any stuffs with people whom have no stake or concern in it, like the content of the SMS for instance. So don’t be a busybody. It has not happened before, and it would not be in near future. Let it go, better for your heart.

Neither I am inclined to be threatened, abused and even tantrum-ised into submission. I don’t, seriously. You people should have known that by now. We have been through this many times and beside, I am not in the mood to humor people whom I have no interest or having personal gains from it. So, if you still want to be that little prima donna, go ahead and be one, it is after all a free country. But just stay damn far away from me.

You just don’t get it, do you? I HAVE told you many times already; Having a Bad day/week/life does not give you the green light to be nasty to me, grow up kiddo, WE ARE OVER! MOVE ON ALREADY! COME ON! NO one knows how much nonsense you have thrown at me; daily/hourly… And people still think I had it easy in the relationship…

*Censored* And to think one of my friends actually believes and sided with you! And reckoned that it is all my fault that you are like that, right? Oh great… HOW FUCKING NICE, YA…

知道 By 张惠妹

既然都知道既然睡不著, 不如就把黑夜熬成破晓
我为自己骄傲我终于可以, 不靠感情这样过来了

逃假装是在寻找, 我明明就不需要
人的心若是关不牢, 爱到不知如何是好

逃从天涯到海角, 烧泪早就不知不觉烧乾了
你爱的谁都看得到, 可是我就很不想要

怎么我会错乱了心跳, 是什么让我不堪其扰 oh~

逃从天涯到海角, 烧泪早就不知不觉烧乾了
你爱的谁都看得到, 一厢情愿让我依靠

Saturday, May 3, 2008


3 May 2008
Saturday (31 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 2210 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 趁早By 张惠妹
Mood: *Oh Bugger*

Friday wasn’t my day, really… I practically fucked and got fucked by anything and everything. Oh well, was particularly nasty to my aunties’ clerks when I held my status report meeting. Everything also they have reasons and everything also conveniently become my problem. Though I apologize later but still, I shouldn’t have lost my temper… I should have personally kick a few of their butts…

Anyway, came home after covering some race duties and was pretty much shack out. Had dinner and went for a light drinks at Water Cross with Mark and Kian kian. Send Kian Kian home, and with damn solid luck hallowing around me, I encountered a Police road block just before I turn off to the highway… They ask and I answered honestly. I did drink, except that I said 1 instead of 2 glasses of beer, muahaha… So, procedurally, they request for a breath analyzer test.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at my honesty sometime. Especially when it is like a 50-50 chance of passing the breath analyzer since I drank more than the legal benchmark. I figure honesty at times like this is the safest bet out… Imagine this; 2 guys, dressed like coming back from clubbing, and still say no drink, who the fuck will believe…? So I admit to partial guilt. Whatever they didn’t know, wouldn’t kill anyone. Well, not yet.

So I joke with the duty police, talk cock a bit and breathe through the tube like I never breathe before like that… Heng ah, I passed. Well, that’s an experience. Mark suggests buying 4D but alas, never strikes today. Never mind, still got tomorrow… Blue Skies, dudes, Blue Skies!

Had a long karaoke session with Wenn today, after like 4 hours of sleep. We walked around, had coffee break and later dinner (for her). Had also some encounter with Happy People but hey, that’s life. For her effort for being on time for karaoke, Bravo! Usually, I think and always have this impression she will be late. Haha

Break off for my second round with family dinner at Conrad’s Oscar Oscar. The counter staffs are superb; polite, courteous, friendly and very chatty. But by fuck luck, it follows that there will definitely be cock up somewhere somehow… Whole family had miscom and I had to postponed the dinner. I was a little upset cos I took a cab (not wanting to be late) to Conrad and no one calls in to highlight the miscom. If I had decided to wait for them in the restaurant, I will be like 80 bucks poorer and angrier. Oh well… it was a pity, cos the counter staff is/was rather pretty. Haha

Now must retire for the night, it is late and Bird is tired… Good Night my beloved Bird, Sweet Dreams!

趁早 By 张惠妹

到后来才发现爱你是一种习惯, 我学会和你说一样的谎
你总是要我在你身旁, 说幸福该是什么模样
你给我的天堂, 其实是一片荒凉

要是我早可以和你一刀两断, 我们就不必在爱里勉强
可是我真的不够勇敢, 总为你忐忑为你心软
毕竟相爱一场, 不要谁心里带着伤

我可以永远笑着, 扮演你的配角, 在你的背后自己煎熬
如果你不想要, 想退出要趁早, 我没有非要一起到老

我可以不问感觉, 继续为爱讨好, 冷眼的看着你的骄傲
若有情太难了, 想别恋要趁早
就算迷恋你的拥抱, 忘了就好

Thursday, May 1, 2008


1 May 2008
Thursday (28 Degree Celsius)
Morning @ 0810 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 我无所谓By 张惠妹
Mood: *its Holiday for fuck sake*

Yes, smile you fricking bunch of Cheese pies! But I digress… its fricking holiday can? give it a break? Well, NOT, in a million chance. That’s me, you low life fuckers! Muahaha… And Yes, NO one loves you and awww, fucking live with it. That reminds me…

Yup, its fricking holiday and what did I do? I woke up at 6am (the usual work timing) and made myself a good cup of sweeten milk tea. Then do what? I did the laundry… woah, how exciting bird! Never mind that last night I slept at 11pm. SO working day life style… Damn it!

It is a holiday nevertheless… so what’s in for me today? *brain freeze* ok, I’ll just rot at home as usual. No, I don’t condone such rotting-ness but hey, between the devil and the deep blue sea, this option looks more sweet nectar life rejuvenating Coke than anything vaguely close.

I could technically do sex but Sex is NOT the answer. Sex IS the question, YES is the Answer!

Moving on, met Yun during the learning day thingy. She is cute as usual and yes, she is still that sweetie pie-ing. Oh well…

How now brown cow? Speaking of cow, I suddenly had a realization that if I am hiam-ing other girls, they might be doing likewise to me… Haha, aww, such revelation but I supposed that’s life. Anyway, to prolong this entry, I present to you, a JOKE

The Police, The CID, and ISD are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. WKS decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into Mandai and each of them has to catch it.

The Police goes in. They place animal informants thru’out the forest. They question all plant and witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist.
The CID goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies. The rabbit had it coming.
The ISD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: “Okay! Okay! I’m a rabbit! I’m a rabbit!”

我无所谓 By 张惠妹

天天都有落叶, 特别是今夜
当沙沙的风吹, 每一片叶, 掉一滴泪

夜夜有人心碎, 他们相信谁
当爱被结约, 作何感觉

莫非无忧也无悔, 依旧痴痴收藏落叶
傻的心, 傻到哭也流不出泪

我无所谓, 我冷若冰, 淡若水
我不为梦留一点空, 侵略我禁闭心扉
当感情是唯一解不开的结, 而人爱听谁伤了谁
我愿是风中 飘然惊 落的叶

我无所谓, 我伤过心, 掉过泪
我只在乎爱本无罪, 何苦要陷入重围