Monday, February 18, 2008


18 February 2008
Monday (29 Degree Celsius)
Night @ 2140 (Singapore Time)
Listen: 我们之间的事 by 范玮琪
Mood: *Cow & Horsie…Boo*

Heard 诱惑的街 by 梁静茹 on the way to work. It is melodramatic and depressing, especially hearing it in the early hours in the morning… Oh well, that’s life…

Sensing my boredom, my brain decided to do a rough estimate of my work journey. I took about 50 min from the time I leave my home to the comfort of my office chair and/or about 20 min when driving. I always like to be at work early. Slowly, if possible, my aim is to be at work by 7.30am (by MRT) or by 7am (Drive). Now all I need is to try getting into the momentum and setting up my routine.

On a side note, I slept through my Valentine day. It was ok until my mom commented that “why am I home on Valentine day?” Not to come across as a LOSER… But I enjoy (to a fault) my ability to be oblivious to anything negative. But my mom could be more tactful sometime… I’m already like 30, still want to ask why no Girlfriend and no date… I could tell her my preferences, but hey, why troubled the already troubled mind. Not that it matters; only if the world is about me and me alone.

Speaking of which, I told CY my dark chocolate. I might have inevitably shocked her beyond words. Well honey, that is the truth. Not very palatable but whom am I to kid? I supposed we should all take this like mature adults. Not like giving myself lame excuses (which I am not going to) but give it time and patience, these dark chocolates will settle right in just nicely. I’m sorry if I made you lose your dinner/breakfast/lunch over my revelation. Told you I’m killing myself slowly, now you believe?

Sometime, it’s better that some things are left unsaid, it’s easier for the heart. As bird reckoned; Valentine Day is a time for people with someone they love in their lives and certainly not for some LOSER Bird who does nothing but bemoaning his despair and virtually non-existential sex life. For posterity sake, here’s another one of those heart wrenching moments in time where neither understood the other language… Yet they are connected by love …

Bird: (English) It’s my favorite time of the day, driving you
Aurelia: (Portuguese) It’s the saddest part of my day, leaving you

Oh yes, how can I forgot… Every weekend away from work has somehow cleared my sense of smell, only to be greeted upon so enthusiastically in the working morning. Drats… How can I not love smell of animal droppings?

Somehow for some reasons also, I simply addicted to this song…

我们之间的事 by 范玮琪

我们说著报纸上的事, 我们说著邻居发生的瑣碎的事
Oh…从来不说, 从来就不说, 从不说我们之间的事

我们说著朋友们的事, 我们说著電视里说的发生的事
Oh…从来不说, 从来就不说, 从不说我们之间的事

在多数的日子, 我们都不够懂事, 彷彿爱是挥霍不完的数字
应该天真的日子, 我们又太过懂事

Oh…在离別时, 在离別时才看见我们该留住的故事


Parrots of the Currybean said...

i'm sure you'll soon find the urge to impose your cliched drowning and feeding torture routine on yours truly man ...

Anonymous said...

Bird: (English) It’s my favorite time of the day, driving you
Aurelia: (Portuguese) It’s the saddest part of my day, leaving you

Thats from love actually!